The number of international parties that join the Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI) to realize sustainable trade increases every year. And with it the volumes and percentages produced and traded sustainably.
“In order to achieve the FSI-target of 90% sustainable purchase, we see the Sustainable Sourcing Scan (SSS) as the tool for our members to be able to measure, monitor, and report on this properly”, mentions Jeroen Oudheusden, Executive Officer at the FSI.
At the request of the FSI, the Floridata Foundation and the Dutch Association of Wholesalers in Floricultural Products (VGB)are now making the SSS-services available to all FSI members, as well as every other trader or retailer, in order to stimulate further chain transparency. Both retailers and international traders can use the high-quality tool, in order to make their sustainable purchase measurable using the FSI2025 Basket of Standards. With the introduction of the new website, there is a one-stop information desk for the international floriculture sector for collaborating chain parties, to make sustainable purchasing of flowers and plants measurable.
Matthijs Mesken, director of the VGB, is pleased with the new website and further roll-out of the service. “As a sector, it is important to have a clear answer to the increasing demand for reliable product and origin information about sustainably grown flowers and plants.”
“We notice an increase in the number of FSI members who use the Sustainable Sourcing Scan”, reports Wesley van den Berg, manager at Floridata. Currently 14 members of FSI are using the SSS, which are: Bloomon, Dutch Flower Group, FM Group, Flower Trade Consult, Floral Trade Group, Gasa Group, Hilverda de Boer, Hoorn Bloommasters, Noviflora, Pfitzer, Royal Lemkes, Verdel, Waterdrinker and WBE Group. The SSS offers users the opportunity to also disclose purchasing broken down by (retail) client in terms of sustainable purchasing performance.
“Every FSI meeting we discuss the collective aggregated results from the SSS to monitor where we are in the process towards the 90% sustainable procurement. And then we jointly determine what improvement actions are needed”, say Oudheusden and Van den Berg.
About the Sustainable Sourcing Scan
The Sustainable Sourcing Scan is part of the Floridata’s services and is facilitated in the Floridata portal. De tool is powered by the product and company coding and certificate register managed by Floricode. VGB owns the tool. “We are pleased that we can now also connect retailers and international traders to the SSS services”, Mesken and Van den Berg say. “We look forward to facilitating further closed-chain transparency and collaborations through the tool, in which we also want to encourage breeders, garden centers and florists to use the SSS services”.
Have a look at the new Sustainable Sourcing Scan website.